original link: http://www.thebull.com.au/articles/a/29608-the-next-big-thing---the-gas-revolution-and-stocks-to-watch.html
By Bob Kohut 09.07.2012
As the global economic outlook remains uncertain and the purveyors of doom reign supreme, more people are taking their money out of equities and putting it into gold, bonds, term deposits, and perhaps even under the mattress or buried safely in the garden.
Yet investing history seems to tell us equities win out in the long run. American finance professor at the famed Wharton School of Business Jeremy Siegel points out since 1871 the three decades with the highest negative returns were followed by a decade of positive returns of 8%, 13%, and 9%.
Assuming the Mayans were wrong and the civilization as we know will not end at the close of 2012, there are opportunities in equities right now that future generations of investors may look back upon as having been too good to be true.
Right here in Australia we are at the centre of what could prove to be the next big thing; the opportunity is the gas revolution.