13 August 2011

NYSE: 3 Stocks to Avoid and 3 to Buy in a Crazy Market - motley fool

Jordan DiPietro
August 12, 2011

Fear has more than gripped the markets recently. An air of desperation and panic has engulfed investors as they've watched past gains wiped away in a matter of days. The bad news is that last week, Standard & Poor's decided to downgrade our nation's credit rating, which only served to fuel the already-stoked fire. The S&P 500 is now officially down more than 5% for the year.
The good news is that as the market crashes, it takes down with it fundamentally sound stocks, allowing you to buy them at dirt cheap prices. Read on, and I'll tell you three stocks to avoid and three great dividend stocks that should weather any storm.

08 August 2011

5 tech stocks to weather the storm - www.thebull.com.au

By Anthony Black 08.08.2011
With stockmarkets around the globe seemingly in freefall, investors are certainly feeling the pressure. Having just been through the GFC many have been burned all too recently, however it is precisely in times like these that the opportunity arises to pick up quality companies at bargain basement prices. The trick is picking which are bargains and which are simply damaged goods.
Much as the headlines may proclaim that this is the end of the world, most companies will continue to do business and make profits, and share prices in many companies will recover once we find a bottom. That's not to say that you should blindly dive into buying stocks that have been hit hard, or hold onto your portfolio in the hope that everything will turn out alright. Instead, this is the time to review your holdings and make some tough decisions about the stocks you hold. There are likely to be some that you will need to let go, replacing them with quality stocks that are likely to provide you with solid returns over the long term. If you hold a portfolio of high-risk, speculative stocks then diversifying your portfolio to include some solid, lower-risk companies may not be such a bad idea.

NYSE: 10 Outstanding Dividend Stocks to Buy in This Crazy Market (CIM, INTC, NLY, PEB, PM, SO, WM) - motley fool

Ilan Moscovitz
August 5, 2011

The heightened market volatility we've experienced over the past few days serves as a reminder to all of us: Massive financial crises like the one we experienced in 2007 take time to heal. The rule of thumb is about a decade. With that in mind, what's going on in this crazy market, and what should investors do to protect and grow their portfolios?

The problem is actually pretty simple. Consumer spending has historically made up about 70% of the U.S. economy. But with consumers suffering from high personal debt and unemployment, they're not spending. The graph below shows just how far we've fallen below the trend line:
anImage  Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.

01 August 2011

August 2011 reporting season: 10 top stocks - Lincoln Indicators

Seeing the world through commodity coloured glasses

Never before has the market endured the myriad of events that unfolded over the past 12 months. From floods to cyclones, international debt crises and natural disasters, the furtherance of a two speed economy, the proposition of a carbon tax; the economy did it tough. We provide some insight into how corporate results and the earnings outlook will show that the Australian economy is only rosy when viewed through commodity coloured glasses.

27 July 2011

bullish signs for oil and oil stocks - www.thebull.com.au

By Adam Hamilton & Scott Wright  25.07.2011
Averaging $96 so far this summer, crude oil certainly doesn’t feel cheap.  Nevertheless, its technicals are looking increasingly bullish.  After recently bouncing out of a major correction, oil appears to be embarking on a new bull-market upleg.  If one is indeed brewing, speculators and investors alike ought to capitalize on this excellent buying opportunity in oil stocks.

26 July 2011

takeover targets for the second half of 2011 - www.thebull.com.au

By Mark Story  25.07.2011
With the share markets trading on a one year forward multiple of around 11 times – its lowest level since mid-2010 – and earnings growth looking flat within many sectors, the climate for heightened M&A activity over the next 12 months is likely to gather momentum.

18 share tips - 25 july 2011 - www.thebull.com.au

18 share tips - 25 july 2011 - www.thebull.com.au

17 July 2011

NYSE:These Stocks Could Double Over the Next 2 Months

These Stocks Could Double Over the Next 2 Months

NYSE:The 3 High-Yield Dividend Stocks I'm Buying Next (D, NLY, SVU)

The 3 High-Yield Dividend Stocks I'm Buying Next (D, NLY, SVU)

An Underdog Stock to Crush the Market (FISI)

An Underdog Stock to Crush the Market (FISI)

broker buy - asciano - www.thebull.com.au

broker buy - asciano - www.thebull.com.au

Big Dividends From America's Energy Game Changer - 11/07/2011

Big Dividends From America's Energy Game Changer - 11/07/2011

5 Growth Stocks for Value Investors (AAPL, GOOG, HGG, LOGI, WHR)

5 Growth Stocks for Value Investors (AAPL, GOOG, HGG, LOGI, WHR)

5 keys to successful dividend investing

5 keys to successful dividend investing: "Search the web"

6 gold stocks to benefit from gold bull - www.thebull.com.au

6 gold stocks to benefit from gold bull - www.thebull.com.au

stocks to watch: bull & bear - bpt & gns - www.thebull.com.au

stocks to watch: bull & bear - bpt & gns - www.thebull.com.au


2008 stocks 2013 2015 stocks A2 A2 Milk A2M A4N AAD aapl accounting ACL Adelaide Resources ADN ADV Aged Care AGI agnz ago AIG Ainsworth AJM Alchemia Aldoro Alpha HPA Altech Altura ALZ Amcom Telecommunications AMM AMP AMP Subordinated Notes 2 ANZ AOG APA APA Group apple aqp Archer Exploration Ardiden ARI ARN asl ASX ASX Dogs ASX Lmited ATC Aurora Oil & Gas Aussie Dogs AUT Aveo Group AXE Bain Capital BAL bank Bank of America Merrill Lynch BBG BBY beach petroleum Bellamy's Organic BioTech Bioxyne Blight Capital Securities bonds bpt brokercall bru BUB Bubs buru energy BUX Buxton Resources Buy BXN CAJ Capitol Health CBA CCL CCP Charger Metals CHR cim cisco Citigroup CM coal seam gas Cochlear COH Commonwealth Bank contrarian Convertible Preference Shares cooper basin Core Lithium Cover-More cpb CPS Credit Corp CSC CSCO csg CSL CSL Limited CVO CXO CZZ D Data#3 debt defensive stocks Dick Smith dividends dls Dogs of ASX Dogs of Dow drill search energy DSH DTL DUE DUET Group egp eld energy ENV Envestra ETF explorers ext FGE FISI flexigroup flight centre FLN float flt fmg Forge Group Freelancer FXJ FXL FYI G8 Education Limited Galaxy gas GEM Global Opportunities Fund GM GNC gns gold Goldman Sachs Graphene Graphite Growth GXY health insurance healthcare Healthscope High Yield Hold hsn HSO IAG icn icon energy IFM IGA ilu Income and Value income strategies incomeinvestor Infomedia Limited Ingenia Communities INR insurance INTC ioh Ioneer IPH ipo IPP ire Iress ivr Japara Healthcare JAT Jatcorp JHC K&S Corp Keytone Dairy Kibaran Resources KNL ko KSC KTD Lake Resources Lamboo Resources LEI Leighton Holdings lgd LIC Lifestyle Communities Lincoln lincoln indicators Liontown Lithium live asx info live asx information LKE LMB lng LTR M2 Group Magellan Financial Group MAI MainstreamBPO managed funds McAleese mce MCS Medibank medical cannabis medical grade cannabis medical marijuana metcash MFG MGC min Mining morningstar Motley Fool MPL MSFT mts MTU MYOB NAB NAB CPS II NASDAQ national australia bank national bank NEA nearmap NEC NEN neon energy Nine Entertainment NLY Northern Star Resources Notes NPK NST nuf NXT NYSE Oakton OFX oil oil and gas oil search OKN onthehouse ORE Orocobre OSH OTH Pact Group PEB Peel Mining Performance petroleum PEX PGF PGH Pilbara Pilbara Minerals PLS pm PM Capital pna PPS Primary Health Care property stocks Prospectus PRY public offer pyl pytotech Ramsay Health Care rcg RCG Corporation REA realestate.com Reedy REG Regis Healthcare Regis Resources REIT Resmed resources RFG RHC RIMM RIO Rio Tinto RLC RMD Rox Resources RRL RXL Sandfire Resources santos SDF Seek SEH SEK Sell senex energy SER Seven Group sfr SGH shale gas shares research SHP sino gas and energy SIR Sirius Resources SKF SKI Slater & Gordon slr small caps SMS Management and Technology smx SO software SOM SomnoMed SP Ausnet Spark Infrastructure's SPN Spruson & Ferguson Steadfast sto stocks research ston Strategic Energy Resources Subordinated SUN SVU SVW sxy SYR Syrah Resources tabcorp tahha takeover targets Talga Resources tech stocks ten TEVA TGA TGT the australian thebull.com.au Thorn Group TLG TLS TME tne TON top 100 investment TPG tpm Triton Minerals ts twe UBI UBS Universal Biosensors US UXC VEI Vision Eye Institute WBC WES Wesfarmers WM woodside petrolem WPL wsa xom yissum

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